What is a health system?

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A healthcare system is made up of various different elements. The South African healthcare system focuses mainly on hospitals and clinics, as well as community health agencies. The South African healthcare system focuses on accessible healthcare to its people, ensuring  healthcare is made available and accessible to all.Focus is placed on holistic care, on not just the treatment of disease but the prevention and education of diseases as well. Furthermore, healthcare exists beyond the physical, but aims to ensure the mentalspiritual and emotion health of patients as well.

Why do you need to understand the healthcare system?

An understanding of the healthcare system helps you to be effective on the job. As a health profession, you will be working with various groups of people in various health professional fields. As you work alongside this diverse healthcare team, you will need to understand the hospital system, the various types of care and most importantly the roles that each member of the healthcare team plays. As a health professional, you need to be able to understand the different types of insurance as well as how to assist the patients who are uninsured. It is also important to know and protect the rights and privacy of each patient you encounter. Along with the healthcare system, you need an understanding of community resources available to your patient and how those will help and assist your patient.

What is the purpose of a health care?

The purpose of a health care is to improve the health and well-being of people, they serve through education, medication and innovation. They improve health via prevention of ill-health, care and treatment of individuals.

There are several aspects of health care system in health care system?

Hospital system: hospital system is a group of hospitals that works together to provide services to people.There are  3 types of hospital system and they have different different types of ownership's and financial goals. Types of hospital system include the following:

  • Public hospital:Are public sector and they receive money from the government. They provide communication needs, some of the public hospitals are connected with medical schools.

  • Private hospitals:They are not owned by the government they are owned by investors. Their goal is to earn profit.They provide more profitable survives like rehabilitation, elective surgery. They avoid unprofitable services such as emergency medicine which they can lose money due to uninsured patients.
  • Nonprofit hospitals: They are community hospital and are associated with a religious denomination.Their aim is to deliver services to the community. They do not receive money from the government they do donations sometime to get money.

Types of patient care?

There are various types of patient care and it all depends on the needs of every patient:
  • ·         Primary patient care: Very first place where a patient should go seek medical help.
  • ·         Speciality Care: For patients that has a medical problem which requires specialist people to help them.
  • ·         Emergency Care: Requires care for very serious illnesses that can result in death if not taken care of.
  • ·         Mental Health Care: This is for patients that need care for emotional crisis’s.
  • ·         Hospice care: This is care that can be done in the home of a patient

Health is influenced by many factors existing within an individual and the society. These factors are:

1.      Hereditary: genes determine the health of individuals from the moment of conception. The genetic make up cannot be altered. Some diseases like diabetes and mental retardation have genetic origin. So the health of an individual depends on his genes.
2.      Environment: diseases are caused by changes in environment like air, water, climate etc. Environment has direct influence on the physical, mental and social well being of an individual.
3.      Lifestyle: includes culture, behaviour and habits like smoking and alcoholism. Diseases like heart disease, cancer and diabetes are related to Lifestyle. Good Lifestyle promotes good health. 
